Promotes best practice for girls’ quality education and gender equality in education.

The Girls’ Education Working Group enables practitioners, academics and other partners to discuss the latest research, programmes and policies on girls' education.

The Girls’ Education Working Group:

  • Shares theory, knowledge and experience of strategies, practices and tools to improve girls’ education.

  • Conducts research; develops tools; and makes recommendations to the UK Government.

  • Promotes inter-agency collaboration on research, capacity building, proposal development, programming, monitoring and evaluation, and policy.

  • Facilitates dialogue with other networks and academics.

Please note this group is currently paused.


Working Groups are open to all members. You can join as many groups as you wish.

To join the Girls’ Education Working Group, or find out more, email (specify Girls’ Education Working Group).

About the issue

Learn about girls' education and see resources from GADN members and others.

📷 Jennifer Aggrey-Fynn (second from right) of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers discusses workers rights with GADN members (March 2019)