Jessica Mandanda

Brief Biography:

Jessica Mandanda is an Advocacy Communications Specialist with over 5 years of experience in development communications. Her expertise includes strategic communications and campaigning, digital media management, advocacy marketing, and content creation for advocacy and activism. Her areas of expertise and experience include Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Economic Justice and Rights, and Gender Equality. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, a Post Graduate Diploma in International Gender Studies, and is currently finishing her Master’s Degree in Public Advocacy and Activism. Other academic qualifications include Feminist Economics, Understanding Macroeconomics and Neoliberalism, and Civic Leadership. She is a Published writer and one of the 2022 International Conference for Family Planning Youth Trailblazer Award recipients.

Areas of Expertise:

Gender and Development, specifically, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Economic Justice and Rights, and Gender Equality.

Contact Info:


GADN Coordinator