International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
The International Trade Union Confederation’s (ITUC) primary mission is the promotion and defence of workers’ rights and interests, through international cooperation between trade unions, global campaigning and advocacy within the major global institutions. Its main areas of activity include trade union and human rights; economy, society and the workplace; equality and non-discrimination; and international solidarity.
Twitter: @ituc
Publications and resources:
ITUC. (22 December 2023). Report: Survey analysis: Monitoring recruitment of Nepalese migrant workers to Qatar.
ITUC. (21 November 2023). Report: C190: ‘Unions in action to end violence and harassment at work, 2023.’
ITUC. (15 July, 2021). ‘ITUC Frontline Poll June 2021: Violence and harassment at work’.
ITUC. (July, 2021). ‘ITUC Frontline Poll June 2021: Corporate tax for COVID-19 recovery plans.’
Merling, L. (16 Mar, 2021). ‘Reforming the IMF for a resilient recovery’. ITUC.
Burrow, S. (8 Mar, 2021). ‘Let’s close the equality gap with a new social contract and put women at the centre of recovery plans’. Medium.
ITUC, BWI, EI, IFJ, ITF, IUF, Agriculture, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco & Allied Workers’ Associations, PSI, UNI Global Union, IDWF. (11 Dec, 2020). ‘UNCSW65 Global Unions Statement: It is Past Time for a Gender Equal New Normal!’.
Gausi, T. (2 Mar, 2020). ‘The crucial role of trade unions in the implementation of the Beijing platform for action - Beijing +25’. ITUC.
King, C. (17 Oct, 2019). ‘We made history with the Violence and Harassment Convention – now comes the work of bringing the law to life’. Equal Times.
Castro Vizentin, M., Gausi, T., and Haddad, E. (25 Nov, 2018). ‘From the boardroom to the factory floor, trade union women say “nothing about us without us’. Equal Times.
Gausi, T. (14 Nov, 2018). ‘Count Us In! Women leading change’. Equal Times.
ITUC. (21 Aug, 2018). ’ITUC Economic and Social Policy Brief: Gender Gaps in Social Protection.’
King, C. (8 Mar, 2017). ‘Fighting for gender equality on International Women’s Day – and beyond’. Equal Times.
De Henau, J., Himmelweit, S., and Perrons, D. (January, 2017). ‘Investing in the Care Economy – Simulating employment effects by gender in countries in emerging economies’. ITUC and UK Women’s Budget Group.
De Henau, J., Himmelweit, S., Lapniewska, Z., and Perrons, D. (March 2016). ‘Investing in the Care Economy - A gender analysis of employment stimulus in seven OECD countries’. ITUC and UK Women’s Budget Group