Gender and Trade Coalition
The Gender and Trade Coalition was initiated by feminist and progressive activists to put forward feminist trade analysis and advocate for equitable trade policy. The coalition shapes a trade justice agenda by increasing consciousness, capacity, research, and advocacy for policy alternatives which promote a more just and sustainable world.
Twitter @genderandtrade
Video: (27 April 2022). “Trade, Gender and Post-War Recovery, Visioning Feminist Trade Alternatives for Post-War Recovery and Sustainable Peace.” Gender and Trade Coalition.
Video: (20 April 2022). “Trade, Gender and Post-War Recovery, Exploring the Intersections.” Gender and Trade Coalition.
Williams, M. (1 July 2021). Just and sustainable finance to address multiple global crises demands a focus on gender equality. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
Video: Trading Away Women's Rights: How free trade has undermined women’s human rights both before and during the pandemic. Gender and Trade Coalition Webinar Series.
Video: Migration and Trade are Feminist Issues! – Women Reframe Global Policy in a COVID World. (13 Apr 2021). Gender and Trade Coalition Webinar Series.
Carr, M. and Williams, M. (19 Nov 2018). Trading stories: Experiences with gender and trade. Commonwealth Secretariat.
Williams, M. (2003). Gender mainstreaming in the multilateral trading system: A handbook for policy-makers and other stakeholders. Commonwealth Secretariat.
Anita Nayar
Currently based in: United States, North America
Other affiliations: Regions Refocus, RESURJ
Publications and resources:
Nayar, A. (2020). 25 Years on From Beijing, COVID-19 Highlights Profound Interconnectedness & Persisting Inequalities. SDGs for all.
Olukoshi, A., Hormeku-Ajei, T., Balaji, A., and Nayar, A. (2020). Reclaiming Africa’s early post-independence history. Africa is a country.
Video: Post-Cotonou Agreement: Cross-Regional Perspectives and Resistance. Gender and Trade Coalition Webinar Series. (24 June 2020)
Nayar, A. and Tobin, K. (Eds). (Mar 2018). Reimagining Regionalism: Heterodox and Feminist Policy Proposals from Africa and the Caribbean. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.