Nicoline Nwenushi Tumasang Wazeh

Brief Biography:

Nicoline Nwenushi Wazeh is a dynamic and dedicated independent jurist, gender and development specialist, peace educator and human rights defender with grounded expertise and knowledge in peacebuilding, diverse gender issues and human rights in Cameroon and beyond. She has undertaken a variety of training, research, design and facilitation activities in different domains. Nicoline is CEO and Founder of two local organisations: Pathways for Women’s Empowerment and Development/Integrated Agricultural Training Center (PaWEDIATC). They are aimed at accelerating the achievement of the SDGs using a gender responsive approach. Nicoline holds a Masters Degree in Gender and Development from the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex amongst others.

Areas of Expertise:

Gender and Development, peacebuilding, economic empowerment, women's participation and leadership, policy analysis and others.

Contact Info:
