Tackles the consequences of gender inequality and violence against women and girls (VAWG) in humanitarian contexts.

The Humanitarian Working Group ensures INGOs and the UK Government prioritise women’s and girls’ needs in humanitarian settings through specific policy, funding and programming that enables their empowerment and recognises their role and value within their communities.

The Humanitarian Working Group:

  • Shares knowledge and best practices on women and girls’ protection needs.

  • Supports collective advocacy towards the UK Government.

  • Collaborates with Gender Action for Peace and Security.


Megan Daigle, ODI

Niki Ignatiou, ActionAid UK


Working Groups are open to all members. You can join as many groups as you wish.

To join the Humanitarian Working Group, or find out more, email coordinator@gadnetwork.org (specify Humanitarian Working Group).

About the issue

Learn about women and girls in humanitarian settings and see resources from GADN members and others.

Humanitarian Working Group resources

📷 GADN members question DFID staff at a Members Meeting (November 2018)