Palestine: Feminist, anti-racist and decolonial perspectives

May 2024

GADN Members’ Meeting

The ongoing violence in the Gaza Strip and the escalating attacks against Palestinians across the rest of the occupied territories and in Israel are of considerable concern to GADN and our members - particularly those working in the region, those focused on peace, security, and humanitarian issues as well as those with committed intersectional and transnational feminist praxes.

This GADN Members' Meeting on feminist, anti-racist and decolonial perspectives on Palestine aims to provide an educational space for GADN members to engage with these issues through the perspectives and analyses of anti-Zionist feminist speakers of Palestinian and Jewish descent. The virtual panel was moderated by Awino Okech (professor, feminist scholar, activist and GADN Trustee) and we heard from:


  • Nada Elia - Author, grassroots organiser, professor and a core member of the Palestinian Feminist Collective

  • Walaa Alqaisiya - Global Fellow and author on decolonial queering in Palestine

Please note that this recording has been edited to ensure the personal safety of one of our speakers, at a time when the German government is clamping down on pro-Palestine protesters and activists.