Posts tagged Feminist advocacy
Palestine: Feminist, anti-racist and decolonial perspectives

May 2024

GADN Members’ Meeting: This GADN Members' Meeting on feminist, anti-racist and decolonial perspectives on Palestine provided an educational space for GADN members to engage with these issues through the perspectives and analyses of anti-Zionist feminist speakers of Palestinian and Jewish descent. The virtual panel was moderated by Awino Okech, with speakers Nada Elia and Walaa Alqaisiya.

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From decolonisation to locally-led development: repoliticising the agenda

February 2024

GADN Members’ Meeting: This GADN Members’ Meeting provided an opportunity to explore what locally-led development and decolonisation mean in practice with speakers Dr. Kamna Patel and Dr. Lata Narayanaswamy. We examined why locally-led development is gaining traction politically and discussed why decolonial approaches are still needed in the international development sector.

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Global Feminist Cooperation Targeting the G7: Thoughts & Recommendations

December 2023

Learning paper: This learning paper collates lessons learned and reflections from GADN’s G7 engagement in advocating for the adoption of feminist alternatives in 2022 and 2023. It suggests further thoughts and recommendations for improving feminist cooperation within Women 7 (W7) across issues such as timeframes; advocacy; feminist representation and movement building.

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Interrogating the role of Northern international development organisations in combatting global injustices

December 2022

Members’ Meeting: In this meeting, GADN, in conversation with Priyanthi Fernando and Dinah Musindarwezo, shares reflections from a recent learning paper to interrogate the roles of organisations that benefit from ‘Global North power and privilege’ in combatting global injustices.

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What is the role of Northern organisations in global justice advocacy?

December 2022

Learning paper: Organisations that benefit from ‘Global North power and privilege’ must reassess their roles. In conversation with advocates globally, this paper explores the ways traditional redistribution of funds and other resources perpetuates colonialism and proposes changes. Critically, it spotlights the duty of such organisations to challenge Northern governments that perpetuate global injustices.

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