INGO programmes and gender mainstreaming

International non-governmental organisations (INGOs) fund and support partner organisations and development programmes in the global south.

Some of these programmes specifically address gender equality issues or women’s rights. However, all INGO programmes – whatever the focus – should be designed and implemented based on an understanding of gender dynamics, with a view to promoting equality and ending discrimination. Known as ‘gender mainstreaming’.

A gender mainstreaming approach ensures that development takes into account the specific needs, interests and views of women; do not inadvertently harm women and girls or perpetuate damaging social norms; and actively contribute to overcoming the gender injustice that fuels poverty and undermines sustainable development.

GADN Working Group

The Programmes Working Group brings together INGO practitioners working on programme delivery and implementation (rather than advocacy). Members share different approaches to achieve gender equality through and in development work, and learn from each other about opportunities, trends and innovations in gender equality work.

GADN Resources

Explore GADN resources and learn more about INGO programmes and gender mainstreaming.


Gender Mainstreaming

Southern-based organisations’ resources

Other GADN Issues

📷 GADN members at Members’ Meeting on Safeguarding (December 2019)