DFID's Economic Development Strategy

May 2018

GADN submission (Women's Economic Justice Working Group): To the International Development Select Committee Inquiry on DFID's Economic Development Strategy. Commitments to women's economic empowerment are welcome, but structural barriers must be taken take into account if it is to deliver on its commitments. 

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Putting gender in political economy analysis: why it matters and how to do it

May 2018

Briefing: Political economy analysis ignores one of the most pervasive systems of power in society – gender. A gendered political economy analysis examines how gender and other social inequalities shape people’s access to power and resources, and ensures that women’s perspectives inform the process, content and use of the analysis.

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Intersectionality: Reflections from the Gender & Development Network

November 2017

Intersectionality is increasingly referred to among feminists but frequently undefined, leaving the term open to a variety of interpretations: what it means in practice and how to put it to use is still unclear to many. GADN attempts a summary of the discussion in order to assist our members and colleagues to better define the concept and how to use it.

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Macroeconomic policy and women's economic empowerment

September 2017

Discussion paper: The ability to advance women’s economic empowerment will be shaped by the overall economic environment, and macroeconomic policies. A collaboration with members of the UNSG’s High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment. Led by UN Women, with contributions from GADN, WIEGO, the ILO, the ITUC, Open Society Foundations and ActionAid.

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Stepping up: How governments can contribute to women’s economic empowerment

February 2017

Government economic policy shapes women’s lives, and could be a force for equality, yet too often this potential is not realised.  Government’s must play a central role in achieving women’s economic empowerment, they should prioritise tackling the underlying barriers to economic empowerment, particularly those faced by marginalised women.

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