July 2021
Submission: GADN submission to the Labour Party Consultation on Achieving Gender Equality in Development on 1st July
Read More📷 GADN Secretariat and Chair of the Board at GADN Members’ Meeting on Building Effective Anti-racist and Decolonial Practices (September 2022) © Angela Gokani Brasier
GADN produces various publications through our Advisory Group, Working Groups and Secretariat.
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July 2021
Submission: GADN submission to the Labour Party Consultation on Achieving Gender Equality in Development on 1st July
Read MoreJune 2021
Briefing: The wave of Black Lives Matter protests around the world have brought into sharp focus the need to confront the ways in which Europe’s colonial past shapes our collective present. This briefing seeks to examine why UK aid must be decolonised and looks at some of the first steps the sector can take for achieving this.
Read MoreJune 2021
Briefing: Three academics from the Institute for Economic Justice in South Africa suggest that Covid-19 presents an opportunity to reshape macroeconomics, explain feminist approaches, explore the responses of African governments to the pandemic, and propose recommendations for a more just and equitable economic recovery.
Read MoreJune 2021
Response: Following the conclusion of the G7 Summit today, G7 Leaders released their final Communique. In a joint response, the co-chairs of this year’s Women 7 (W7) - GADN and GAPS - raise concerns that the Communique fails to adequately address gender equality concerns and does not provide the vital financial commitments required.
Read MoreJune 2021
Response: UK charities, alongside GADN and GAPS - co-chairs of this year’s Women 7 (W7) - warn that the UK is likely to lose its global leadership role on gender equality if it fails to include the Gender Equality Advisory Council’s recommendations as part of the final G7 agreement.
Read MoreJune 2021
Briefing: The UK Aid cuts, and the way they are being implemented, will have wide-ranging and long-standing impacts on the world’s poorest people – in particular, women and girls. This briefing seeks to outline the UK aid cuts and examine their damaging impacts on gender equality and women’s and girls’ rights programming.
Read MoreMay 2021
Response: As co-chairs of this year’s W7, GADN and GAPS’ submission to the IDC looks at the UK Government’s strategy and process in making the aid cuts while holding the G7 Presidency. It considers the likely impact of the cuts on gender equality and women’s rights and concludes with a set of recommendations for the UK Government.
Read MoreApril 2021
Response: GADN’s submission to the IDC Inquiry examines the historical processes that have resulted in the current structure of the international aid sector and its practical implications. The submission also addresses issues of racism in the aid sector and concludes with a set of recommendations for the UK Government.
Read MoreApril 2021
Communique: Following the W7 Summit, the final Communique has now been released. It outlines the key priority areas for the G7 to commit to and resource in order to address long-standing gender inequalities as well as help fulfil women and girls’ rights.
Read MoreApril 2021
Event: On 21–22 April 2021, the W7 Summit brought together feminist experts, activists and practitioners from G7 countries and all around the world to amplify the voices, perspectives and leadership of those not commonly included in the G7 forum. Participants collaborated on proposals for the G7 and agreed on concrete and meaningful actions in pursuit of gender justice. Selected recordings from the event’s speakers are now available.
Read MoreFebruary 2021
Members’ Meeting: 2021 is a critical year for global gender advocacy, particularly with the UK hosting both the G7 and COP26, the fulfilment of the Generation Equality Forum and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. GADN’s February members’ meeting introduced GADN members to some of these key global processes and developments with the UK government and provided a space for further discussion.
Read MoreFebruary 2021
Briefing: As part of the COVID-19 economic recovery, feminists worldwide have been devising and calling for alternative solutions in key macroeconomic policy areas. This briefing collates and highlights these alternative proposals, centring the voices of actors who are often-overlooked by decision-makers.
Read MoreJanuary 2021
Resources: As post-pandemic economic recovery plans unfold globally, feminists and women’s rights organisations have been devising macroeconomic proposals that aim to bring the long-term transformative change needed to overcome this crisis. We will continue to add feminist proposals and resources to this page as they are published.
Read MoreDecember 2020
Briefing: This briefing examines the International Monetary Fund’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, warns of some of the dangers that this response is creating and suggests some viable alternatives that could benefit women who stand to be hit the hardest.
Read MoreDecember 2020
Update: While 2020 was due to mark the 25th anniversary since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many of the global convenings that had been planned for this year.
At the end of 2020, this update provides a brief overview of the revised plans and what to expect in 2021.
Read MoreNovember 2020
Members’ Meeting: GADN’s November members’ meeting looked at how we can apply an anti-racist and decolonial lens to our work. The meeting introduced GADN members to the concept of ‘decolonising development’ as well discussing how we begin the process of decolonisation and what such a practise aims to achieve.
Read MoreNovember 2020
Response: The UK government’s announcement that it will abandon its legally binding commitment to spend 0.7 per cent of GNI on overseas aid, in the midst of an unprecedented global economic recession and a pandemic, is short-sighted, insular and can only diminish the UK’s international reputation.
Read MoreOctober 2020
Response: The International Development Committee put out a secondary call for evidence in order to consider the secondary impacts of the Coronavirus in developing countries.
GADN, alongside Nawi-Macroeconomics Collective, made a submission examining the impacts of the looming global debt crisis on developing countries’ abilities to fulfil women’s human rights.
Read MoreOur 2020 Annual Report has now been released, detailing the activities and impact of the network.
Read MoreAugust 2020
Briefing: This primer, written by GADN’s Gender and Disability working group, seeks to support international development practitioners improve their understanding on gender and disability by highlighting the issues faced by women and girls with disabilities.
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